Amersham is located 27 miles north west of London in the county of Buckinghamshire. Amersham – probably more than any other similar small town in England – preserves in the streets of the Old Town the same general appearance that it displayed during the 17th and 18th centuries. However, the origins of the town go back to pre Saxon times. Amersham was then called Agmodesham. The Doomsday Book listed Amersham as Elmodesham, with 6 manors, one belonging to the wife of Edward the Confessor. In 1200, King John granted the town a market and fair, the fair is still held every year on the 19th and 20th of September, the market every Tuesday, but it has moved to Amersham on the Hill. The Reformation had some roots in the town as several Lollards were condemned to death and burnt at the stake, a memorial on the hill above the town commemorates this event and in 2001 the people of Amersham performed a community play re creating the events of the time. Amersham is broadly split in two, Amersham Old town, a historic market town and Amersham-on-the-Hill.
Amersham population:
- 14.382 (2011)
- 17.719 (2016)
- 24.938 (2021)
More information:
Wikipedia Amersham