The London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust

favicon-32x32 The London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust

The London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust is committed to creating a dedicated Museum as a worthy tribute to the world’s most famous bridge. The Museum will tell the fascinating story of London Bridge from Roman times up to the present day, using the latest presentational techniques.

It will be housed actually under London Bridge itself, in the large southern abutment space where there still remain the substantial walls of the Sir John Rennie Bridge. The Museum will tell the story of all the various bridges that have occupied the site. But it will very much concentrate on the most famous bridge of them all, the Peter de Colechurch bridge with its houses and gateways as so often illustrated, and which for many visitors will be the bridge that they really know from history and pictures.

The Museum of London

favicon-32x32 The museum of London

150 London Wall
London EC2Y 5HN

Schermafbeelding 2016-02-22 om 21.13.00

The Museum of London Docklands

favicon-32x32 Museum of London Docklands

West India Quay
Canary Wharf
London E14 4AL

Schermafbeelding 2016-02-22 om 21.24.13
